Can You Feel Dentures in your Mouth

  1. Modern dental technology
  2. Minimally invasive dentistry
  3. Can You Feel Dentures in your Mouth

Are you currently grappling with the adjustment phase of incorporating new dentures into your daily life? We understand the inherent challenges of acclimating to the presence of a foreign object in your mouth. It's entirely normal to experience initial discomfort, such as heightened saliva production, soreness, or difficulties in both speech and eating. Rest assured, these issues typically dissipate over the course of a few weeks as your body becomes accustomed to the presence of dentures.

During this transitional period, it's crucial to acknowledge and address any persisting discomfort or concerns promptly. Seeking guidance from your dentist can provide valuable insights and solutions tailored to your specific needs. This comprehensive article aims to delve into the common experiences associated with adjusting to dentures, offering a wealth of practical tips to enhance your comfort throughout this transitional journey.

Whether you're navigating the intricacies of enhanced saliva flow, managing sore spots, or refining your ability to speak and eat with dentures seamlessly, this resource aims to be your go-to guide. Discover strategies to ease the transition and optimize your experience with dentures. For further personalized advice and assistance, don't hesitate to consult with your dentist, a trusted partner in your oral health journey.


  • Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and restore oral function.
  • The sensation of wearing dentures can vary from person to person, depending on factors like fit, quality, and oral health.
  • Dentures can be complete or partial, custom-made to fit the individual's mouth.
  • Different types of dentures have advantages and considerations, so it's important to consult with a dentist to determine the best type for your needs.

Understanding Dentures and Sensation

When it comes to understanding dentures and sensation, there are a few key points to consider.

First, dentures are removable appliances that are designed to replace missing teeth and restore oral function.

The sensation of wearing dentures can vary from person to person, but it's common to feel some initial discomfort or strangeness as your mouth adapts to the new prosthetic.

Factors such as the fit and quality of the dentures, as well as the individual's oral health, can influence the overall sensation of wearing dentures.

What are Dentures

When it comes to understanding dentures and their sensation, it's important to know about the different types of dentures available and how they fit in the mouth.

There are several types of dentures, including complete dentures that replace all of the teeth and partial dentures that replace only a few missing teeth.

Dentures are custom-made to fit the individual's mouth and can be held in place with adhesives or dental implants.

Types of Dentures

There are several types of dentures that can be used to replace missing teeth. Denture options include full dentures, partial dentures, implant-supported dentures, and immediate dentures.

Each type of denture has its own advantages and considerations, such as denture maintenance, adjustments, alternatives, cost, lifespan, appearance, stability, speech, and eating.

It's important to consult with your dentist to determine which type of denture is best suited for your individual needs.

How Dentures Fit in the Mouth

We became familiar with how dentures fit in the mouth as we adjusted to the new sensation of having them in place. Here are some key points to understand about denture fit:

Denture stability: Properly fitted dentures should feel secure and stable in the mouth, allowing you to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

Oral hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for denture wearers. Regular brushing of the gums, tongue, and remaining teeth (if any) is important to prevent infections and maintain overall oral health.

Denture adhesive: Some individuals may choose to use denture adhesive to enhance denture stability. This can provide an extra layer of support and help prevent slippage.

Denture adjustments: Over time, dentures may require adjustments to ensure a proper fit. This can be done by your dentist to address any discomfort or changes in the shape of your mouth.

Sensation of Wearing Dentures

When wearing dentures for the first time, it's common to experience some initial discomfort as your mouth adjusts to the new sensation. This can include:

  • Soreness
  • Increased saliva production
  • Difficulty speaking or eating

However, over time, most people adapt to wearing dentures and the discomfort typically resolves within a few weeks.

Initial Discomfort with Dentures

Adjusting to new dentures can be a challenging process, as our mouths acclimate to the unfamiliar sensation of wearing them. Here are some common challenges you may encounter during the initial period:

Managing soreness: It's normal to experience some discomfort as your mouth adjusts to the dentures.

Speech difficulties: Speaking may feel different at first, but with practice, you'll regain your natural speech patterns.

Eating with dentures: Start with soft foods and gradually introduce harder foods to help you adapt to chewing with dentures.

Excessive saliva: Your mouth may produce more saliva initially, but this usually subsides as you get used to your dentures.

Remember, the discomfort typically lasts a few weeks. If you're still experiencing issues or want a smoother transition, consider these tips:

Follow your dentist's instructions on denture care and maintenance.

Use denture adhesive if recommended by your dentist to improve stability and comfort.

Practice reading aloud or speaking in front of a mirror to improve your speech.

Seek professional advice if you have persistent discomfort or concerns.

Adapting to Dentures Over Time

As we adapt to wearing dentures over time, our understanding of dentures and the sensation of wearing them becomes clearer.

Initially, we may face challenges such as difficulties in speaking and eating, increased saliva production, and soreness. However, these issues usually resolve within a few weeks as our mouths adjust to the dentures.

To aid in the adjustment process, practicing good oral hygiene, using denture adhesive for stability, and regularly cleaning and relining the dentures can provide relief and ensure a more comfortable fit.

Factors Influencing Sensation

As we explore the factors influencing sensation when wearing dentures, there are two key aspects to consider: the material and thickness of the dentures, and the response of our oral tissues and nerves.

The type of material used for the dentures can affect how they feel in our mouths, with some materials providing a more natural sensation than others.

Additionally, the thickness of the dentures can impact how much we can feel them.

Our oral tissues and nerves also play a role, as everyone's mouth is unique and may respond differently to the presence of dentures.

Understanding these factors can help us better comprehend and manage the sensation of wearing dentures.

Denture Material and Thickness

During the adjustment period, it's common for denture wearers to feel the material and thickness of their dentures in their mouths. Understanding the denture material and thickness can help improve denture comfort, stability, aesthetics, maintenance, speech, chewing, soreness, adjustments, lifespan, and overall satisfaction.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Material: Dentures can be made from acrylic, porcelain, or a combination of both, each with their own unique feel.
  • Thickness: The thickness of the denture base and teeth can affect how comfortable and natural they feel in your mouth.
  • Fit: Properly fitted dentures can minimize discomfort and improve stability, preventing them from feeling bulky or loose.
  • Quality: High-quality dentures made with precision and attention to detail can enhance your overall denture experience.

Oral Tissues and Nerve Responses

Our oral tissues and nerve responses play a significant role in the sensation of wearing dentures. Denture fit and oral sensitivity can affect how our nerves respond to the presence of dentures in our mouths.

Tissue adaptation and mouth sensation also contribute to the overall comfort and discomfort experienced with dentures. Through sensory adaptation and nerve stimulation, our mouths gradually adapt to the presence of dentures, leading to improved mouth adaptation and increased denture comfort over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Get Used to Wearing Dentures?

Getting used to wearing dentures can take time. Initially, there may be discomfort and difficulty speaking or eating. However, with proper denture adjustments, cleaning, and care, these issues usually resolve within a few weeks.

Can Dentures Cause Any Changes in Taste or Sensation in the Mouth?

Yes, dentures can cause changes in taste or sensation in our mouths. Factors like denture fit, oral hygiene, and denture adhesive can affect how we perceive taste. Gum irritation or jaw bone loss may also contribute to these changes.

Are There Any Specific Foods That I Should Avoid When Wearing Dentures?

Yes, there are specific foods to avoid with dentures, but don't worry, we've got you covered! We can provide denture friendly recipes and tips for improving denture stability. Just ask!

What Are Some Common Challenges or Difficulties That People Face When Adjusting to Dentures?

Adjusting to dentures can be challenging. Gum soreness, difficulty eating, slurred speech, and self-consciousness are common issues. Denture maintenance, adhesives, fit, cleaning, and relining are important. Socializing with dentures may take time, but we'll get through it together.

Are There Any Tips or Techniques for Improving Speech Clarity While Wearing Dentures?

Improving pronunciation with dentures is possible through speech therapy, proper oral hygiene, regular denture cleaning, and ensuring a secure denture fit. Denture discomfort can be reduced with denture adjustments and the use of denture adhesives for added stability.